Thursday, March 6, 2008

Vaughan Williams 'On Wenlock Edge' & Shostakovich 10!

The concert the OSU Symphony Orchestra played last evening went very well. The orchestra played both pieces with attention to details that we hadn't even been able to rehearse. Perhaps it is the adrenaline rush of playing for an almost-full house of people that makes one get "in the zone" and have a super-high level of concentration.

Regardless, it went well and we received a standing ovation for the Shostakovich Symphony No. 10. Mr. Blosser, the tenor, sang Vaughan Williams 'On Wenlock Edge' very well and sounded very, very good.

The picture here is of my fellow colleagues in the orchestra. From left to right we have: Margaret Tung, principal horn; Steve Reeves, third horn, Maestro Haddock (behind me), conductor; Me, second horn; Jared Jodrey, assistant principal horn; Holly Lewis, fourth horn. These are the people that I make music with almost every day and they all played fabulously last eve. Bravo to you my fellow colleagues!

1 comment:

Kumar Arora said...

Hey Matt!

It was a pleasure sitting next to you in class..hope to catch you around again some time soon! Lets hang out some time!