Thursday, May 15, 2008

Great Expectations

In a few hours, I am going to go see Yo-Yo Ma perform with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. Earlier today, I made the mistake of making my Facebook status the following: "HOURS until I get to see Yo-Yo Ma perform!" All day I have been having people ask me if I was going and everybody says, "He is SOOOOO great. You will have a fantastic time! I wish I was going!"

I agree, but yet I have reservations and a few questions about statements such as these. At first, I didn't expect such an overwhelmingly enthusiastic response. Now I am very interested as to why this kind of response comes out for Yo-Yo Ma??

Many people go to see the performer of a work and for that reason alone. What I am perplexed about is why people are super-excited to go and see an individual person perform, but not the entire orchestra? When I try to get people to go to a normal classical subscription concert, they make excuses and show a general apathy to the mere suggestion that they attend a symphony concert!

Perhaps it is the name, perhaps it is the "experience" they are going for...I don't quite know. It is a great mystery to me. But what I do know is that I go for the MUSIC. Seeing Yo-Yo Ma will be an electrifying experience because he is a master of making MUSIC. But ultimately, it is the MUSIC that is what matters most!

Just thoughts...

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