Wednesday, January 23, 2008

So what? Part 2 - My belief in the arts

Now to answer some of the questions that I posed three days ago.

First off, I truly believe that the arts are necessary. To not have the arts is to lose all creativity and hope for true progress in a society. I believe that it is art that draws the best out of humanity and teaches us to explore ourselves and our feelings in ways that normal situations of life don't allow.

I believe that the arts can be considered as any method or means of expressing ones self to others. I realize that art is subjective, but even what some consider complete junk is pure art to others, and vice versa., speech, sculpting, painting, ballet, writing, etc. is all means of expressing ones self. Each form is unique, and all are different, but each access in us an area of ourselves with which we find solace, inspiration, joy, rage, love, and so on and so on.

Now how should I expect others to respond to the arts? I believe that each person has an "art" of some sort that they appreciate and support. It is finding larger cross-sections of society which support the same art that is problematic. Our society is so diversified that it is harder to find people who identify with and are willing to fully embrace a particular genre. Someone may love paintings, writing, and music. Can they wholeheartedly support all three? Probably not. When it comes down to it, most people have one great love and only one.

After some really deep and introspective thought, I think that I am a musician because it is such a core of who I am, that I could never NOT play music. I sat down and thought about what I am involved in and why it is noteworthy and should receive my involvement. As I narrowed the list down, most everything could be traced back to music in some fashion. I do believe at times that we all do what we do because it's what we do. We mindlessly trudge through our daily duties, but never stop to think of why we do what we do.

As I sat and thought about it, I realized what a privilege I have each day to pick up a musical instrument and expressively create music. What a privilege. Many people do not have the ability to perfect playing of an instrument, and the world would be completely unbalanced if everyone did. But everyone has an art or talent through which they express themselves.

After coming to this realization, I look at people differently. I now see how each person I know and meet each day has a niche in which they display their talent and creativity.


I challenge everyone who reads this to be AWARE of the art that is around them each day and to not take it for granted. Look at the beauty of nature. Look at the people around you and how they creatively communicate with others via art genres. The world is a better place because of the "art" in it. Don't let a day go by without observing and actively appreciating it all!!

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