Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Orchestral planning for the future

I found an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about how the Philadelphia Orchestra has started planning and catering to the different subscribing audiences. It is a definite must-read.

Perhaps changes by world-renowned groups such as this may reshape the way in which orchestra concerts are traditionally given. In my personal opinion, some of what they say is acceptable (like showing soloists and featured instruments on a live video screen), but after-concert schmoozing sessions for singles, are a bit too much. A lot of these "fringe" activities and people might begin to lose sight of the art and go more for the show than the art. If our society has reached the point of valuing the show more than the art, then we are truly in a regrettable state!

But many orchestras are facing either catering to subscribers with fringe benefits or flat-out extinction.

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