Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

As I write this post, I am working at the front desk of my residence hall on Halloween. In honor of this momentous occasion, I am providing, as always, the highest quality classical music for Halloween.

The playlist has been as follows:

- Night on Bald Mountain
- Bach: Tocatta and Fugue in D minor (both of them!)
- Orff: Carmina Burana (entire work, not just the first track...)
- Carter: String Quartet No. 2
- Crumb: Black Angels
- Verdi: Requiem (selections)
- Mozart: Requiem (selections)
- Zimmer: Pirates of the Carribean 2: The Kraken
- R. Strauss: Also Sprach Zarathustra - Opening
- Shostakovich: festive overture
- Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries
- Bizet: Farandole

Happy Halloween to all!


Anonymous said...

You mean " happy all hallo's eve ' ?

( you know what I mean )


BrahmsNotes said...


Anonymous said...

Bravo ! Bravo !

You have done a marvelous job putting this list together !

Fitting for the occasion, I must say.

You never cease to amaze me, Herr Brahms.

Unt Guten Tag !
Meister Wilhem Schmidt